Body Contouring


Ultrasound Cavitation along with Radio Frequency (RF) are used to help contour your targeted areas. It’s a non-invasive, effective way to enhance your appearance by targeting localized fat in the treated body area. Each session takes approximately 60-75minutes with no down time. The session focuses on one specific target area at a time, which we will discuss your specific needs. While results may be immediate, 6-10 treatments are suggested for optimal results

Possible areas of focus:
Abdomen, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, or flanks


$275 for 1 treatment (60-75 minutes)

$225 for each treatment if more than one session is booked

Body Contouring

How does it work?

Ultrasound Cavitation is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure which uses sound waves that cause friction between the fluid and the fat cells, causing them to implode into liquid content. This treatment does not kill the fat cell but rather empties them of their contents. The body’s excretory and lymphatic system then naturally eliminate the liquified fat cells. Radio Frequency (RF)is a treatment that involves the use of RF energy to heat up and tighten tissue to boost blood flow and stimulate collagen production, which improves skin tone and elasticity. This can be used to treat areas with loose skin caused by weight loss or pregnancy.


  • Epilepsy

  • Hypertension

  • Uncontrolled Thyroid Dysfunction

  • Cardiac Arrhythmias or heart disease

  • Pacemaker

  • Actively undergoing chemotherapy or radiation

  • Recent history of cancer

  • Immuno-Suppressed Disorders

  • Current infections including viral

  • Currently Menstruating

  • Pregnant

  • Had an abortion within the past 6 months

  • Must refrain from blood thinners, antibiotics (within 10 days prior to treatment, and steroids (3 weeks prior)

    Results vary and this is not a treatment for obesity nor is it a weight loss procedure

    Ultrasound Cavitation Pre-Care and Post-Care 

    Client Forms

Before & Afters

  • If you do not suffer from any of the contraindications listed below, have access weight over 300lbs, and if you have not had any major surgeries or operations within the last 4-8 weeks.

  • Up to twice per week. Your body will need 2-3 days to process all of the toxins released into your system

  • Everyone is unique and has different needs and goals.

    A discussion of your body goals will be performed in order to assess your goals. It is usually recommended that 6-12 sessions take place along with a personal diet and exercise plan.

  • Results are permanent however due to a variance of your physical lifestyle and dietary habits, it is recommended for best results to schedule continued sessions.