Sunray Mobile Massage

Sunray Mobile Massage provides exceptional service in the comfort of your home, whether you’re staying in a hotel room, Airbnb, or if you’re a resident. We offer many different services from massages and facials, to body contouring with Cavitation and RF Therapy. Book time to unwind for yourself, surprise your loved one with a couples massage, or we can accommodate your larger groups for bachelorette and birthday parties.

Book your treatment online.

About Me

Hello, I’m Graceann and I have been a nationally certified massage therapist since 2002. I’ll be arriving to your home, ready to help you relax and drift away. All of my professional, certified therapists have many years of experience in the massage field.

Our Treatments

Treat yourself to a relaxing massage, book a romantic couple’s treatment, or schedule a spa day for your bachelorette and birthday parties. We are also one of the only mobile companies that offers Body Contouring using Cavitation in the privacy of your home.

Information on booking your group or if you're staying in the High Desert